Adjusting the creep distance is always an important measure for the anti-pollution flashover of the power system to study the anti-pollution flashover of the power system. As air pollution becomes more serious, flashover accidents will occur in running power plants or lines in a short time.
Replacing the insulator will waste manpower and money. Therefore, creep adjustment should be used first in the operating equipment where conditions permit. For line insulators, the creepage distance required in the contaminated area map can be achieved by increasing the number of insulators.
Post insulators of different distances are different from line suspension insulators, the latter are post insulators connected in series. In general, it is difficult to increase the creepage distance by increasing the number of insulators. Therefore, installing a silicone umbrella skirt is an effective way to increase the pollution flashover pressure.
The silicone umbrella skirt is used to increase the resistance of ceramic insulation, such as post insulators, oil switches, transformers and isolation swithces. It is made of a special silicone rubber mold on-site. The silicone umbrella skirt is pasted on the surface of the porcelain skirt to increase the creepage distance of the porcelain skirt, thereby improving the surface characteristics and structural shape. It has better functions than pure porcelain insulation.
Adding a silicone umbrella skirt to the porcelain bottle can improve the pollution flashover voltage, prevent the pollution flashover failure of power transmission and transformation equipment. This is an effective anti-fouling measure for external insulation of power transmission and transformation equipment.
The characteristics and anti-fouling mechanism of the silicone umbrella skirt are enhanced, and it is suitable for insulators. The adhesive on the surface of the porcelain insulator umbrella bottle can change the characteristics and structural shape of the porcelain surface, which has a positive effect on the anti-pollution transformation of transformer equipment.